Director & Senior Consultant surgeon – Hepatobiliary Pancreatic, GI oncology.

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cancer surgery clinic

About Us

Cancer Surgery Clinic

At the cancer surgery clinic, we provide comprehensive Best Cancer Treatment Mumbai options for the entire gamut of hepatobiliary pancreatic and gastrointestinal cancers. Every patient and will be personally evaluated by Dr Ganesh Nagarajan who is a well known expert in this field and given a personalized treatment plan. These are complex cancers with multiple modalities of treatment like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Proper sequencing and timing of these various modalities makes a huge difference in treatment outcomes.

We realize that cancer not only affects the patient but also the family. At times the family members also need to be counselled along with the patient. We know this is a tough journey and we take it as our responsibility to help and empower you through these tough times so you and your loved ones can fight this battle better !

Director Message

Today’s world is witnessing a huge surge in all types of cancers. What is also worrying is the number of young patients I see at my clinic. This is no longer a disease of the elderly alone.

However , what is heartening is the rapid strides science has made in oncology and more and more of our patients are living longer and normal ,productive ,happy lives.

We believe in personalizing cancer care for each of our patients. Every cancer and every patient is different , so they need tailor made solutions.

We believe in pushing the boundaries and going all out to ensure that each of our patients gets the most scientifically appropriate treatment. Every scan is analyzed by our team with expert onco radiologists , every pathology report is discussed with our oncopathologists and then the surgery is meticulously planned. After the surgery, we will be with you every stepof the way and hand hold you till your recovery is complete.

We will be honored to partner with you and your family in your battle against cancer .

Let’s conquer cancer together!

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Director & Senior Consultant surgeon – Gastrointestinal , hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer

Why Choose Us?

Personalized treatment plan for GI and HPB cancers

High volume tertiary referral centre for complex cancer surgery from all parts of India and abroad

Comprehensive cancer care

Highly experienced surgical team

Robotic and laparoscopic cancer surgery in suitable cases

Cancer surgery clinic is committed to providing scientific and state-of-the-art solutions for all Gastrointestinal and HPB cancers

We provide quality life to Terminally ill cancer patients.

Cancer Surgery Clinic helps to reduce pain and suffering in terminal stage patients. It improves quality life and provides palliation to stage IV patients.

Cancer Surgery Clinic prolongs life

A large number of patients show prolongation of life and better clinical outcomes.

We helps to Prevent Cancer Relapse and Recurrence

A cancer relapse occurs because in spite of the best efforts to get rid of cancer, some cancer cells are left behind. These cancer cells remain dormant for a period of time, but eventually, they continue to multiply resulting in recurrence or relapse.

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